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How To Read The Mayan Calendar

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How To Read The Mayan Calendar

    mayan calendar

  • The Maya calendar is a system of calendars and almanacs used in the Maya civilization of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, and in some modern Maya communities in highland Guatemala and Oaxaca, Mexico.
  • With an end date of 2012, this calendar has propagated the hottest prophecy in town; buy stock before time runs out and get a cut of the calendar, book and tour company sales.
  • (in  Mayan calendar (chronology))

    how to

  • A how-to or a how to is an informal, often short, description of how to accomplish some specific task. A how-to is usually meant to help non-experts, may leave out details that are only important to experts, and may also be greatly simplified from an overall discussion of the topic.
  • (How To’s) Multi-Speed Animations
  • Practical advice on a particular subject; that gives advice or instruction on a particular topic


  • Look at and comprehend the meaning of (written or printed matter) by mentally interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed
  • Have the ability to look at and comprehend the meaning of written or printed matter
  • interpret something that is written or printed; “read the advertisement”; “Have you read Salman Rushdie?”
  • something that is read; “the article was a very good read”
  • Speak (the written or printed matter that one is reading) aloud, typically to another person
  • have or contain a certain wording or form; “The passage reads as follows”; “What does the law say?”

how to read the mayan calendar

how to read the mayan calendar – The 2012

The 2012 Guide Book or How to Make the End of the World Fun!
The 2012 Guide Book or How to Make the End of the World Fun!
“The Last Book You’ll Ever Need” – A comprehensive and funny book which covers the possible scenarios for the end-of-the-world on December 21, 2012 thanks to the Mayan Calendar. From Melting Polar Ice Caps, rampaging penguins, polar bears, and killer asteroids, to evil space aliens, earthquakes, starvation, zombies, an exploding Sun, Armageddon, and even a deranged Santa Claus, The 2012 Guide Book explains it all and what you can do to protect yourself.

“The Last Book You’ll Ever Need” – A comprehensive and funny book which covers the possible scenarios for the end-of-the-world on December 21, 2012 thanks to the Mayan Calendar. From Melting Polar Ice Caps, rampaging penguins, polar bears, and killer asteroids, to evil space aliens, earthquakes, starvation, zombies, an exploding Sun, Armageddon, and even a deranged Santa Claus, The 2012 Guide Book explains it all and what you can do to protect yourself.


Who’s ever thought about the end of the world? Hmm?? Every one of us has, right? It’s one of those big questions in life, like “who am i?”, “why am I here?”, or “what is the meaning of life?”. It’s something people get worked up about. It’s something people ruin their lives over. About how many people did we hear freaking out over Y2K?? And now everyone is on about how the world will end in 2012 with the end of the Mayan calendar, but how do we know for sure? How do we know the Mayans had it right? They lived more than a thousand years ago. Maybe they just couldn’t count any higher..

Planets colliding, the sun exploding, ocean waters overpowering, earth degenerating; theories upon theories upon theories are constantly being thrown at us. It seems apparent that people expect the world to end, but how will it happen? How can we know?

The single biggest ruination of humankind is pride. The truth is that we cannot know. God only knows. But we do know one thing. The end of the world will not come until the entire world has heard the good news. Matthew 24:14 says that “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Those words scream power. God’s power. God’s power through the people who love Him. The Gospel of the Kingdom is the good news that Jesus is our King. The people who love Him are the mere messengers. Everyone will hear. This does not mean that everyone will be “converted”. No, it’s not like that. Every knee will bow, whether in deliverance or in defeat. You see, God does not insist that everyone love Him. That’s not how it works. God wants you to want Him. He wants you to yearn for Him. Just like any other lover, He wants you to CHOOSE Him, to want Him more than you want anything else, even life itself. He loves you enough to give you a choice. He is jealous for you though, you know that? Have you ever been jealous? Have you ever wanted someone so badly and felt your heart break when you saw them wanting someone else? If you multiply that amount of jealousy by about a billion, that’s how much God wants you. When you love something more than Him, His heart breaks. And He’s waiting. You can choose to live the way your heart tells you to, or you can live in the Light.

Everyone will know. That’s crazy to think about isn’t it. There are 7 billion people on this earth, and every single one will hear His Name. Then and then only will the end come, and what an end it will be. Have you ever thought about it? Life as we know it will not exist. All struggle will cease. All wars will be fought. All remaining people will be in love with God. There will finally be peace.

For those of you who don’t want to admit that you are trying your hardest not to believe, I have some words for you. You’ve probably heard them before. They’re my three favorite words to say, and I’ll shout them to the ends of the earth. Jesus loves you. No matter who you are or what you’ve done. No matter where you’ve been or where you’re going. You are more than your mistakes. The God who breathes stars is in love with you. He sees exactly who you are, a sinner, but loves you anyways. Your Creator sent His Son to redeem you. Can you imagine that? Really. Imagine that you’re the son of an almighty king, and one day, one fateful day that you’ve KNOWN was coming since your birth, your father tells you that it’s time for you to die. It’s time for you to die for something you did not do, for an unfathomable amount of disgrace and misdeeds done by everyone in the world but you. You have to pay the price because you’re the only one who can. And while you are in your darkest hour, while you are writhing in patient agony, your father turns his face from you. He does not want to help you. You knew you had to do it. You knew it was your job. And the pain is soaring through your being, the blood is dripping from every pore in your mutilated skin, and you give in. You give in to death and you let your exposed body go limp. This is what Jesus had to endure for you. He did it for you without you having to ask, without you having to beg. But He didn’t remain in the grave for long. He conquered death and lives today. This alone is what rescues you from your wrongdoings. He accepted the death sentence that you deserve. He did the most beautiful deed anyone could ever do, and He did it so that we can see God, even through the dirty glass of our wretched, proud, and wicked lives. He loves you. And He wants you to know Him.

Now I have a message for all of you Christians out there: get off of your butts and tell the world that Jesus lives. Go ahead. Do it. You know that’s why you’re here right? It’s not too hard. It’s not too embarrassing. Sure, it can be nerve-racking, but it’s necessary. As the verse above stated, the end will not come until the entire world knows. It’s our job to tell them. It is a work that must be done. It is OUR work to do, a

Tempus ex machina

Tempus ex machina
"If the Maya could stop their civilization, we can stop ours.

Because of the knowledge that I was able to awaken in myself concerning these matters, since the middle 1970’s, around 1974, I had begun living by the Tzolkin or Mayan sacred calendar. I knew that only by living it was I going to understand it. After 1987 with the publication of The Mayan Factor and the Harmonic Convergence event, which was the fulfillment of a prophetic cycle, both Bolon Ik and myself began to live completely in the Mayan Cycles. This was for a very specific reason. We knew that there were other Maya, the Daykeepers, both in the Yucatan and Guatemala, but we had an advantage because we were also completely in the Western world. We were able to see something. We were able to see something that no one else had seen.

In December 1989, I believe it was on December 10th, the day 4 Dragon, we were in the Museum of Time in Geneva where we spent several hours, after which it was totally, 100% clear, that the museum was not properly named. They had to rename the Museum as the "Museum of Mechanized Time". Because we were living in the cycles of the 13:20 timing frequency, we had a standard of measure, as it was, to take an overview look at the Museum of Time and understand that the whole of the modern world was operating on an artificial timing frequency. Although we had not articulated to ourselves until that point that we were living in 13:20, we knew at that point that we were. We articulated that point. That was the beginning of the discovery of the Law of Time.

Because we saw that we were on the 13:20 we were able to identify the artificial timing frequency as the 12:60: irregular, 12-month calendar, and 60-minute hour. The combination of these two timing factors, which no one had ever looked at before, was the entire basis of the modern civilization. The 13th Baktun was completely captured by the 12:60 timing frequency and for this reason the modern world has developed as it has developed.

We say there are many ways of looking at the problem, but one of the most common ways is to say the modern human is alienated from nature and that the alienation occurs by completely surrounding himself in machines. We have a complete dependence on the machine technology. The high point of this civilization is to endow every human with their own machine. We call these machines Datsun, Toyota, Chrysler or Mercedes. With their machine each human can go to a building that has machines in it. The human can work at these machines, whether it is the assembly plant machine or a computer machine. Driving his or her machine to the other machine, the human can spend eight hours at another machine and then come back to his machine and drive his machine back home – and turn on the television. This is the modern life, an anthropological view. Everybody seems to be trapped in this. The reason why the human goes in his machine to go to the machine to come back to the machine is so that the human can receive an artificial credit called money to pay for his machine, or other machines, or other ways of finding diversions to get away from the machine.

This is the description of the modern life and it is glamorized by names like "globalization." As comfortable as many machines seem to make our life, the machines actually diminish our telepathy, our intuition, and our senses. Every time you look at your watch to see what time it is – and living in the modern world it is impossible not to – nonetheless, every time you do that you are choosing to go to the machine rather than to your intuition.

So, we see that what some people refer to as the "planetary crisis" is completely due to what we call a whole system effect of an error in time. This whole system error in time, this error is what is causing the destruction of the biosphere and causing the humans to accelerate more and more. We have machines called computers with gigabytes that can do millions of computations in one second … that’s acceleration. Actually in the whole 13th Baktun what we see is that the human is running faster and faster. Why is the human running faster? Because the machines don’t last long and one must always be making a better machine.

A better machine always goes faster. As the machine goes faster, the importance of money increases. Fifteen years ago in the United States there appeared a magazine called Money. When I saw this magazine I thought, "Why would anyone have a magazine about money … I mean, Psychology Today is okay, but Money?" So now you can go to the airport newstand and find at least six or seven magazines about money. This is because the 12:60 philosophy is "Time is Money". You sell your time to get money. All the machines are part of a speculation on the stock market, to create more money. This is very boring, but I will say that it creates a situation that from the point of view of the Law of Time is called &

how to read the mayan calendar

How to Practice Mayan Astrology: The Tzolkin Calendar and Your Life Path
A contemporary and practical guide to Mayan astrological techniques

• Discusses the logic and meaning of the 20 day-signs of the Mayan calendar

• Explains the many cycles of Mayan astrology, such as the 9-day cycle of the Night Lords and the 13-day trecena

• Contains extensive tables of Mayan astrological data, allowing readers to cast their own Mayan horoscopes

How to Practice Mayan Astrology presents a contemporary guide to one of the most sophisticated astrological systems ever developed. Like other ancient peoples, the Maya looked to the cycles of the planets as markers of time and designators of order. The predictable cycles they observed became codified in the Mayan calendar and astrological system as a way of organizing the seeming chaos of human life.

Mayan astrology is based on 20 named days that are cycled 13 times to create a 260-day calendar, the Tzolkin. The authors explain the symbolism, logic, and meaning of the 20 day-signs; how these signs reflect 260 possible personality types; and how they can be used for divination. They also explain the important role of the Four Directions and the planet Venus in one’s personality matrix and life issues. Included are extensive, easy-to-use tables of Mayan astrological data, allowing readers to determine their day-signs, to see how these signs are also influenced by the cycle of the Night Lords and the 13-day trecena, and to cast their own horoscopes.